Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Tomorrow I start my journey.

Tomorrow I head out for Hokkaido. It's a shame that Vooodoo won't be joining us but hopefully another reunion isn't too far away. I'm riding the regular trains to Sapporo which will take a total of about 36 hours. On the way I plan on buying sake from Niigata at 5am and drinking it on the way up, hitting on the beautiful girls from Akita prefecture (said to be the most beautiful in Japan), reading whatever book I pick up in Shinjuku, listening to my Ipod, looking out the window, and sleeping.

We're slated to arrive in Hakodate, Hokkaido at around 10pm or so on Friday. We don't have a hotel yet but I'm still under 30 which means I'm still I'm not too worried about that. Next night we arrive in Sapporo and hopefully we'll have the energy to get some famous Sapporo Ramen and hit up Suzukino, the nightlife district.

Our next couple of days aren't planned. Hopefully we'll go to the beer museum and find stuff to do around the area. Depending on prices and time, we're thinking about hitting the slopes.

The trip back isn't certain. There's a few ways to get back; however, I want to return via Sendai and Matsushima. I'm looking forward to seeing the Tohoku region and will be sure to report about it when I return before the 8th of January.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

night out in Oizumi

I went to a Brazilian bar last night and learned how to Samba dance. It was funny because all the Brazilians were giving me these weird looks. They all thought I was Brazilian and would speak to me in Portuguese. They were probably thinking, "who's this guy that can't dance?" as all of them knew how to do it.

It was fun though. I got drunk, learned two steps, met some Brazilian hotties, and saw a kick ass Capoeira show.

Saturday, December 09, 2006


So I joined a Japanese social networking site when I got here called MIXI. It's the Japanese version of myspace/facebook and it has a group function. The other day I stumbled upon a pretty great group. The title: 「外国人犯罪」被害者連絡会, in english: Foreign Criminals-Victims Discussion Forum. After reading some of the posts, nobody actually has stories of themselves being victimized and I joined it just to piss off the racists who started it. Here's some examples.


-(your posts) don't only have to be about crimes, it's okay to post about seeing scary foreigners, bumping into a foreigner and feeling disgusted, or even seeing a funny or strange foreigner-
However, I certainly want to hear about the threats of increasing foreign crime.

Stories about bumping into black people.
Someone I know bumped into a black man on the street and automatically apologized.
FYI, he has experience with Karate, so he could definately hold his own; however even then, black people are intimidating and he'd be probably get destroyed.
I've also bumped into a black person on the street.
We knocked shoulders.
For a moment I thought he was going to try and start something with me, but he didn't do anything and I picked up my pace and walked away.
Those blacks probably people have confidence in their physical ability.
Out of all kinds of nationalities increasing here, be careful of the blacks.
The replies to the post above....
A black man tried hitting on me at Tokyo Fussa station. I thought I was going to be killed. I just got on my bike and booked it so nothing happened.

{there was another post with someone mentioning American soldiers}
As you were saying, he was an American soldier. Moreover, it was rugged gay nampa and it was just too scary.
I think we have to educate (our children) to be cautious of strangers, especially foreigners.

Since when is bumping into a black man a crime? Moreover, bumping into people in Japan is commonplace who gives a shit? I think the guy who claims to be hit on by homosexual soldier was probably mistaken. I bet the soldier was being civil and said something to the guy and he freaked out. Anyway, there's only 26 people in the group and one guy who does most of the postings. I'm not trying to say that all Japanese people think this way, I was just find it amusing to to see these people freak out about such minute things.