Tomorrow I start my journey.
Tomorrow I head out for Hokkaido. It's a shame that Vooodoo won't be joining us but hopefully another reunion isn't too far away. I'm riding the regular trains to Sapporo which will take a total of about 36 hours. On the way I plan on buying sake from Niigata at 5am and drinking it on the way up, hitting on the beautiful girls from Akita prefecture (said to be the most beautiful in Japan), reading whatever book I pick up in Shinjuku, listening to my Ipod, looking out the window, and sleeping.
We're slated to arrive in Hakodate, Hokkaido at around 10pm or so on Friday. We don't have a hotel yet but I'm still under 30 which means I'm still I'm not too worried about that. Next night we arrive in Sapporo and hopefully we'll have the energy to get some famous Sapporo Ramen and hit up Suzukino, the nightlife district.
Our next couple of days aren't planned. Hopefully we'll go to the beer museum and find stuff to do around the area. Depending on prices and time, we're thinking about hitting the slopes.
The trip back isn't certain. There's a few ways to get back; however, I want to return via Sendai and Matsushima. I'm looking forward to seeing the Tohoku region and will be sure to report about it when I return before the 8th of January.
Have fun man!
oh man... akita girls are the best
yo... luv this thoughts ))
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